Provided that the Newfoundland Pony Conservancy Center is credited as the source, individuals & organizations are welcome to share our breed educational information.
Thank you for fighting plagiarism. |
*Based in the USA, since 2010 we have been known as a "Newfoundland Pony Sanctuary". That is our FB & Instagram address, as well as our domain name.
Back then no one else used that term which was one of the many reasons we chose to, so as not to cause confusion. Back then ponies were still considered mutts, ponies still ended up on the meat trucks, and they had very little online presence. We were involved with changing all of that. While we are still devoted to the future and welfare of the Newfoundland Pony, we are not and never have been a registry. We are happy to see other groups and farms joining the effort but just know that we may not be the one you are looking for. |
Dedicated to saving the Critically Endangered traditional Newfoundland Pony
Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/newfoundlandponysanctuary |