There are currently 59 purebred Newfoundland ponies living in the USA.
Check the PDF below to see the list.
In the interest of breed conservation, this list of purebred Newfoundland Ponies
living in the USA was put together to aid breeders with locating suitable mates.
It will also help buyers decide which ponies and bloodlines to purchase, import, export.
We are strong supporters of having only one registry, and located in the breed's native home, Newfoundland.
All registered ponies can be found listed on the mother registry's website where you can also easily
find their pedigrees. Reach out to the registrar if you wish to contact a particular owner.
Grouped by State, we don't provide personal information unless the owner wishes that we share it.
If you see errors, updates needed, or to add a pony not in our database
please email us at:
[email protected]